"Wait for him to settle his problems." They say but, I don't think i want to wait. I don't want to be his dog or something. He left me, now its my turn to move on without feeling the regret. They made me felt so pathetic, but now i got my own pride to keep.
He asked me if Eric came back to me what would i do. I, too, don't know what i would do if he did. Would i take him back? Should i take him back? I don't know, but in my future, i see nothing but me being happy, i don't know what i'm happy about. But i'm sure the future will unfold itself.
My doubts about myself is never-endings, but the most exciting thing about myself is that i think of possiblities. Bad ones, good ones. I imagine them all the same. The possibilities are endless. And my life mission, is to try them out bit by bit.