Happiness. Do you remember the last time you were truly happy? Whether it is sharing chocolate with your best friend, both of you sitting on a swing, talking about things you care about. Or be it talking on the phone with your crush all the way into the night and both of you talk loads of meaningless crap. But its the little things that make us happy. Isn't it?
I remember the once, when i was about in kindergarden, i was waiting for my parents to pick my sister and i up. I remember the teachers were waiting for them with us. We were the last ones there. My parents were suppose to bring us to Swensen's to celebrate my birthday. We waited so long that i thought that they weren't coming, somehow i felt fear, i feared that my parents will never come to fetch us leaving us there standing in the cold.
Then i saw the old car my dad drived and my heart beat began to spring up. I could hear my heart beat banging in my ears. I tiped-toed to see if i had mistaken the car. But as soon as i saw that super curly black hair of my mum, i just jumped as high as i could making sure they saw us.
My dad pressed the horn to signal us to get in the car, and i sprinted towards them thinking of how i could ever doubt them. I felt so happy, because i felt that i truly belonged to something. That when i fall, i know someone will catch me. That person wouldn't let me fall, ever.